Cluster warning for ESXi Shell and SSH appear on an ESXi 5 host

  • ESXi host shows the error:ESXi Shell for the Host has been enabled


  • ESXi host shows the error:SSH for the host has been enabled


To disable these warnings:

  1. Select the ESXi host from the Inventory.
  2. Select Advanced Settings from the Software menu.
  3. Navigate to UserVars > UserVars.SuppressShellWarning.
  4. Set the value from 0 to 1.
  5. Click OK.

To disable these warnings using esxcli:

  1. Connect to the ESXi host through SSH using root credentials.
  2. Run this command:esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 1

To enable these warnings using esxcli:

  1. Connect to the ESXi host through SSH using root credentials.
  2. Run this command:esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 0


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